Exit through the Fondazione Sozzani gallery gift shop.

We’ve selected a collection from Carla Sozzani’s private archive, in recognition of the thirty-three years that Fondazione Sozzani has been unwavering in its commitment to the arts and circular fashion.
Fondazione Sozzani has collaborated with and exhibited the most recognizable images in the world, from Annie Leibovitz and Sarah Moon to Nick Waplington and Irving Penn.
Imagining a world without the photography, art, and fashion that the Fondazione promotes, we’ve designed gallery gift items using only text to show examples of these great works. Forcing the reader to imagine it for themselves; like a high art/fashion guessing game.
Written by Andrea Mason. Art direction by Paul Hetherington.
Gift shop items produced by the sustainable guys at Merchery.
All profits from gift shop items go directly to support the Fondazione. Items are available to order here.
Shop Carla Sozzani’s archive
“Supporting fashion’s history through heritage, culture and education is one the missions of the Fondazione Sozzani. Creating a better future of fashion by reimagining the best of the past with creative integrity is the mission of Byronesque. They envision the visual and cultural values which are at the heart of Fondazione Sozzani to promote creativity and circular fashion.” - Carla Sozzani
A message from our patron saints of delivery.
“Worldnet International is delighted to partner with Fondazione Sozzani, a distinguished organization dedicated to promoting and disseminating contemporary cultural and artistic activity in all its forms of expression through exhibits and publications, and Byronesque Vintage, the storyteller of fashion of the past. At Worldnet, we believe in the power of collaboration to positively impact society. It is with great pride that we support Fondazione Sozzani and the shared commitment to creating awareness for the next generation of creatives in photography, art, and fashion.
As part of our commitment, Worldnet have made it possible to create and produce these unique gift shop sets and are providing our expertise to deliver them to friends of the Fondazione and Byronesque around the world, as ‘the patron saints of delivery. Together, we look forward to creating a lasting legacy that positively influences and benefits these creative industries.”
– Richard and Mary Bhullar, Founders, Worldnet Intl.
A message from the sustainable guys at Merchery
“Merchery is excited to be part of an exclusive collaboration between vintage fashion brand Byronesque and icon Carla Sozzani. As a sustainable gift supplier, we’re honored to contribute to this unique fusion by providing beautiful and sustainable personalized products for the collaboration. At Merchery, we’re committed to sustainability, quality & design, and this partnership perfectly embodies our values.”
– Larissa Mathieu, Merchery